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January 22, 2023

Who Has the Most Bitcoin? It’s not who you think!

You may be wondering who has the most Bitcoin in the world, and the answer might surprise you.

Some people own a boatload of Bitcoin, and these include Satoshi Nakamoto “The Father of Bitcoin”, who is said to have over one million bitcoin.

Along with the co-founder of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, who has more than 17,000 bitcoin himself.

So, Who Has the Most Bitcoin?

Suppose you are wondering who has the most Bitcoin! It may surprise you to learn that a few prominent names own Cryptocurrency, like The Winklevoss twins, who allegedly started the Big Facebook. Nakamoto, who is believed to be the creator of bitcoin. Along with some pretty influential companies, like Block, Inc., and Galaxy digital holdings, and some other individuals and companies. Which, we’ll discuss more below.

5 of the largest personal Bitcoin Holders

Satoshi Nakamoto

Now, out of everyone on this list, Nakamoto is definitely the largest personal owner of bitcoin.

That is if Nakamoto is just one person. Since no one has actually been able to verify his, her, or maybe even their existence.

Ok, so assuming Satoshi Nakamoto is an individual.

He or she is said to own about 1 million bitcoin and as I’m looking right now, the price is $29,934.52.

Which means it’s worth $ 29,934,520,000.

Ooh, that’s quite a booty…Haha

Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss

A photo of Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss

The Winkelvoss twins are quite the bitcoin billionaire story.

Harvard University Alumni and part of the Varsity rowing team.

But probably more famous for their earlier entanglements with Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg.

Where they claimed they were the original creators of the Facebook platform.

They even received 65 million dollars from a lawsuit associated with it.

On top of that, there was even an award-winning movie that you may have seen, that came out of it all, The Social Network.

Well, it seems they turned that 65 million dollar settlement into a few billion, including supposedly owning about 70,000 bitcoin.

Michael Saylor

As a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Saylor studied astronautics, aeronautics, science, technology, and society.

Wow, that’s a mouthful…lol

Then in 89, he co-founded the company MicroStrategy with his old buddy from college, Sanju Bansal.

Now this company provides cloud-based services, business intelligence, and mobile software.

It is also said that Saylor owns over 17,000 bitcoin and is one of the biggest bitcoin bulls too.

Tim Draper

Draper graduated from both Stanford and Harvard, which I would say means he's probably no dummy.

It was also pretty smart of him to buy the 29,656 bitcoin from the U.S. Marshalls auction in 2014, for only about $630 apiece.

Which was still around 18 million seven hundred thousand dollars, by the way.

But a hell of a deal, nonetheless.

He was also one of the first investors in Hotmail, the email service that was sold to Microsoft.

Now one of the words around town, is that Tim Draper is holding more than 29,000 bitcoin.

Brian Armstrong

As of early 2022, it’s estimated that Coinbase owned 9,000 bitcoins.

Now according to Forbes, Brian Armstrong owns about 19% of Coinbase.

So, that would mean that he owns 19% of Coinbase’s bitcoin, relatively.

Which would be 1,710 BTC, and using the price from earlier of $29,934.52, that puts its worth at $ 51,188,029.

Now I know it’s not a billion dollars, like a few of the examples above.

But heck, I’d be happy with it!

5 of the top Companies that own Bitcoin


MicroStrategy is an analytics & business intelligence, cloud-based services, and mobile software company.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, it was co-founded by Michael Saylor & Sanju Bansal, both MIT grads.

It’s said to have bitcoin in the range of 130,000 BTC.

Voyager Digital

Voyager Digital allows people and institutions to buy & sell crypto using more than one retailer but from one platform.

The company also offers its customers storage & data services and its CEO & Director is Stephen Ehrlich.

Its bitcoin holdings are around 12,000.

Galaxy digital holdings

Galaxy Digital is a financial services company that helps startups, institutions, and certain individuals in the area of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

They come in with over 16,000 in BTC.

Marathon Digital Holdings

Marathon was founded in 2010, with its headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Marathon Digital focuses on the processes, relationships, and shared business objectives of the blockchain network.

All while mining cryptocurrencies at the same time.

Its holdings are said to be a little over 10,000 bitcoin.

Block, Inc.

Block is an international technology company that owns several other companies.

It was started in 2009 by Co-founder and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and partner Jim McKelvey.

A couple of their companies deal with technology in the area of payment services.

However, Dorsey says that they’re really in the business of creating a whole ecosystem for sellers, customers, and a few other things, but that’s just for starters.

It used to be the company Square, Inc. until it changed its name to Block in 2021, but it kept the ticker symbol SQ.

One of the reasons for the name change was their belief in the blockchain.

This is the backbone that a lot of cryptocurrencies are built on, by the way, but it also has other use cases.

Their bitcoin holdings are around 8,000 BTC.

The top 5 of the 100 Richest Bitcoin Addresses

An image of The top 5 of the 100 Richest Bitcoin Addresses

This was sourced from:, the top 100 richest bitcoin addresses

The First Country to Accept Bitcoin & A Bitcoin City

El Salvador was the first Country to accept Bitcoin as a legal Tender (spendable money).

They also plan to build what amounts to a bitcoin city and build it close to a volcano.

So they can use geothermal energy to mine bitcoin and send power to the city as well.

They also have over 2,000 bitcoin in their national treasury.

In Conclusion

There are other big names in the cryptocurrency space as well, like Changpeng Zhao, the founder, and CEO of Binance. So how can we ever really know who owns the most bitcoin? It's not an easy question, since more and more people are buying and selling bitcoin every day. Also, there are still a lot of very big bitcoin addresses, that don’t have names attached to them. So they are largely unknown. Because even though the transactions on the blockchain are transparent. Meaning the addresses and the amount of crypto in each can be seen. But the owners of the address can not unless they want it revealed. Although, if Satoshi Nakamoto is real and an actual individual. Then he or she would definitely own the most bitcoin.

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